Challenge 1: Extract and load FHIR synthetic medical data

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In this challenge, you will implement the FHIR Server Samples reference architecture to ingest and load patient data in FHIR. You will generate synthetic FHIR patient data for bulk load into FHIR Server. To generate synthetic patient data, you will use SyntheaTM Patient Generator open source Java tool to simulate patient records in FHIR format.

FHIR bulk load scenario

In this scenario, you will deploy a storage account with a BLOB container called fhirimport. Synthea generated FHIR patient data files (JSON) are copied into this storage container, and automatically ingested into FHIR Server. This bulk ingestion is performed by a BLOB triggered function app as depicted below:


You will implement the FHIR Bulk Load scenario in Microsoft Health Architecture as follows:

Success Criteria

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